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Girls' World

May 01 2023
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Girls' World is a children's magazine for girls ages 7-12. It's filled with crafts, party ideas for fun with friends, and advice for everything in a girl's life! It's designed to inspire creativity through artwork, crafts, and recipes.

Girls' World

The NAME GAME! • Celebrate what makes you special using the letters in your name!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! • Receiving all these amazing drawings made us feel like it’s our birthday!

Make a butterfly NIGHT LIGHT! • You need this cool craft for your room!

IN THE CITY • You’ll love this drawing tutorial whether you live in a big city or not!

Rainbow CLOUD CAKE • We’re daydreaming about this cool creation!

MEET THE CAST OF SATURDAYS • Get to know the stars of the new Disney show in their own words! (Literally, they wrote these answers themselves!)

PROUD to Be ME! • You are awesome! Fill out this activity to sheet remember all of the reasons why!

What’s your CIRCUS name? • Step under the big top to reveal your new nickname!

Make someone SMILE! • Give one of the special ladies in your life a Mother’s Day surprise!

Make someone SMILE! • Give one of the special ladies in your life a Mother’s Day surprise!

Amazing ADVICE • Never fear! Girls’ World is here to help solve your trickiest problems.

YOU ARE awesome • Elle Graham wants you to believe it!

Your FAVORITE STARS! • See who Girls’ World caught on camera!

WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE ANIMAL? • Which member of the animal kingdom do you think will get the most votes?

THE Style QUIZ! • Your style can change every day of the week! What will it be today?

PONYTAILS with a Twist • No more boring ponytails for you!

Graphic Tees! • These celebs prove why this trend will never go out of style!

SCORE MATILDA’S LOOK! • How cute is this look from Matilda the Musical ?

BE A designer • We found clothes and accessories to match your drawing!


Keep IN Touch! • Use these addresses to send a letter to your favorite celebs!



12 Awesome Posters


ENCANTO TRIVIA! • Only an honorary member of the Madrigal family will get all these answers correct!

25 FUN THINGS to do with friends! • Break out this list during your next hangout!

APRIL Is Not A FOOL! • Eleven-year-old April Garcia is the youngest of six children, and her siblings would all use one word to describe her: gullible.

YOUR WORLD OF FUN! • Games, puzzles and jokes just for you! Check your answers on page 69!

You MAKING JEWELRY! • Earrings, necklaces, bracelets and more — you can’t get enough!

YOU said it! • Check out the results of our latest poll!

MORTIFYING MOMENTS • Readers share their real-life, totally embarrassing (but so funny!) stories.

Which is WORSE? • These picks are absolutely the pits! Choose the dilemma you’d rather deal with.

TRY Something NEW! • It can be nerve-wracking — but so rewarding!

TRICKY SCIENCE QUESTIONS - ANSWERED! • GW gives you the lowdown on some of the world’s most mind-boggling mysteries!

THE SLEEPIEST CREATURES IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM! • Each day lasts 24 hours — and these animals spend most of them fast asleep!

ANIMAL ANSWERS! • Why do our furry friends do what they do? Girls’ World answers your questions.

Adorable Animal Posters

Favorite Cookie reveal about you? • Pick your go-to flavor to see!

Get your horoscope!

YOUR COMMENTS —read and printed! • Send us questions for our advice column, stories you’ve written,...


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