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Girls' World

Jan 01 2024

Girls' World is a children's magazine for girls ages 7-12. It's filled with crafts, party ideas for fun with friends, and advice for everything in a girl's life! It's designed to inspire creativity through artwork, crafts, and recipes.

Girls' World

Reindeer Games • ’Tis the season for some reindeer-inspired fun!

Deck the Halls! • Your drawings are helping us get into the holiday spirit!

Make a pipe cleaner crown! • It’s the perfect thing to wear on New Year’s Eve!

Festive Fashion • ‘Tis the season for this holiday drawing tutorial!

Hot Cocoa COOKIES! • Put a fun twist on this classic winter drink!

THROW A COLORFUL CANDY PARTY! • It’ll be one sweet celebration!

best day EVER! • Make a schedule for the best day you can imagine — and then live it!

What’s your snowman name? • Don’t flurry — you’re going to love your new nickname!

Make someone SMILE! • Send a friend or family member a birthday card!

Amazing ADVICE • Never fear! Girls’ World is here to help solve your trickiest problems.

10 Ways Taylor Swift is JUST LIKE YOU! • You have more in common with the superstar than you think!

Your FAVORITE STARS! • See who Girls’ World caught on camera!

If you could have one SUPERPOWER, what would it be? • We’d love to have any of these awesome powers!

Do you know the lyrics? • Think you’re an expert at singing Christmas carols? Take this quiz to put your skills to the test!

HOLIDAY Wish List! • Not sure what gifts to ask for this year? We’ve got some ideas!

Sweater Weather • Let your favorite stars inspire your winter wardrobe!

SCORE Danielle’s LOOK for less! • She looks like a million bucks, but these pieces aren’t pricey!

BE A designer • We found clothes and accessories to match your drawing!


Keep IN Touch! • Use these addresses to send a letter to your favorite celebs!



10 Awesome Posters


What should you do on your snow day? • Winter is here! Find your perfect activity for the snowiest days!

Hi, Neighbor! • December is National Hi Neighbor Month! That makes it the perfect time to get to know the people in your neighborhood. You can make new friends, teach someone new things and help someone out. Here are a few ways to show kindness to the people around you!

Forces of Nature • These are just some of the amazing things that naturally occur in the world around us!

Coco TIME • Ten-year-old Coco Torres always looks forward to the third Saturday of the month. It’s the one day she and her mom spend quality time together one-on-one.

YOUR WORLD OF FUN! • Games, puzzles and jokes just for you!

The CUPCAKE CONSPIRACY • Cam worked hard to make her sweet treats perfect, but they taste terrible! What happened?

YOUR PAJAMAS! • Cozy up with your comfiest pair of pjs!

YOU said it! • Check out the results of our latest poll!

MORTIFYING MOMENTS • Readers share their real-life, totally embarrassing (but so funny!) stories.

Which is WORSE? • These picks are absolutely the pits! Choose the dilemma you’d rather deal with. LOL!

What’s the WORD? • Learn how to say some of your favorite words in different languages!

TRICKY SCIENCE QUESTIONS -ANSWERED! • GW gives you the lowdown on some of the world’s most mind-boggling mysteries!

Monkeying Around! • Did you know that monkeys have their own day? Yep, December 14 is International Monkey Day. We’re celebrating by highlighting some of the most special and unique primates in the...


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