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Girls' World

Aug 01 2022
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Girls' World is a children's magazine for girls ages 7-12. It's filled with crafts, party ideas for fun with friends, and advice for everything in a girl's life! It's designed to inspire creativity through artwork, crafts, and recipes.

Girls World US

WHICH VIDEO GAME WILL YOU CREATE? • Follow the steps to find out!

POOL PARTY! • You’re looking cool by the pool in these drawings!

Decorate your sunglasses! • You’ll need these shades this summer!

SUMMER Sweets • It isn’t summer without some tasty treats!

your cookbook • This easy-to-make cake is great for summer!

ESCAPE The Water Park! • It’s like an escape room on paper! You have to solve all the puzzles to exit the park.

BUBBLE BLAST! • Try out these fun, bubbly activities today!

Make Someone SMILE! • Heading to sleepaway camp soon? Use these letters to stay in touch with loved ones!

Amazing ADVICE • Never fear! Girls’ World is here to help solve your trickiest problems.

GIRL TALK with Sofia Carson! • When Sofia dishes out her best advice, you’ll feel like you’re gabbing with your BFF!

Your FAVORITE STARS! • See who Girls’ World caught on camera!

WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE VACATION DESTINATION? • Find out where these stars would spend their summer break!

Why is this your SUMMER to SHINE? • The sun has got nothing on your summertime glow!

A Sneak Peek at ZOMBIES 3! • Get the inside scoop straight from the stars of the movie!

SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW! • That’s where these celebs’ colorful styles will inspire you!

SCORE BELLA’S LOOK for less! • She looks like a million bucks, but these pieces aren’t pricey!

BE A designer • We found clothes and accessories to match your drawing!


Keep IN Touch! • Use these addresses to send a letter to your favorite celebs!

Theу’ ll read your letter if...

July/August Calendar

10 Awesome Posters





That Girl Lay Lay





SUPER POWER WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE? • Find out the special ability that would make you a superhero!

Mix It Up!

The Perfect Picnic! • July is National Picnic Month! Invite your friends or family to celebrate with outdoor food and fun.

THE BELLY FLOP • Camila Gomez spotted her friends sitting near the deep end. She was walking toward them when she overheard Chelsea ask, “Do you think she’ll ever get in the pool again?”

YOUR WORLD OF FUN! • Games, puzzles and jokes just for you!

Spot the differences! • Can you find and circle the 10 things that have changed in the second picture from The Sea Beast ?

Find the HIDDEN OBJECTS! • Look closely and see if you can spot the following: fish, cupcake, jellybean, crayon, strawberry, bird, cookie, arrow, blueberry, inchworm, horseshoe, pizza slice

The Sidewalk Chalk • Zoe spent all day drawing a mural on her driveway, and now it’s gone! Can you figure out what happened?

YOU ROLLER COASTERS! • Th row your hands up and enjoy the ride!

THE COOLEST ROLLER COASTERS IN THE WORLD! • Which one do you want to ride on most?

YOU said it! • Check out the results of our latest poll!

MORTIFYING MOMENTS • Readers share their real-life, totally embarrassing (but so funny!) stories.

Which is WORSE? • These picks are absolutely the pits! Choose the dilemma you’d rather deal with.

Don’t miss an issue!

SUMMER FUN FACTS • Learn more about the sunny season!



  • OverDrive Magazine


  • Englisch
