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The Week Junior US

Issue 247

Introducing The Week Junior! It’s filled with fascinating stories and facts, written to engage children and encourage them to explore and understand the world around them. Every week, The Week Junior reports on an array of topics from around the globe, including animals and nature, science and technology, as well as sports, books, movies, and more!

Nation honors 39th President

Tributes pour in for Carter

Jimmy Carter: A life in photos

Congress opens 119th session

Medals of Freedom are awarded

Around the world

Should we make New Year’s resolutions? • Many people commit to changing parts of their lives starting on January 1.

A long life in art • Thaddeus Mosley’s new exhibit honors his legacy with that of another artist.

Orcas carry salmon on their heads

Creating a new type of plastic

Rats who learn to drive are happier

Photos of the week

Exciting end to NFL regular season

College hoops is heating up



Series about insects returns • A new season of A Real Bug’s Life delivers an up-close look at amazing little creatures and their incredible worlds.

Famous duo has a new film


Future emojis under review

Book club

Ask the author

Share your hopes for America • As the US prepares to swear in its next President, be inspired by these historic words from past inaugurations.


That’s unbelievable!

Editor’s note

The joy of helping others

How much of this week’s news can you remember?

The Week Junior


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