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The Week Junior US

Issue 245-246

Introducing The Week Junior! It’s filled with fascinating stories and facts, written to engage children and encourage them to explore and understand the world around them. Every week, The Week Junior reports on an array of topics from around the globe, including animals and nature, science and technology, as well as sports, books, movies, and more!

10 historic moments • Major elections, a solar event, and a restored landmark captivated the US and the world.

10 people who made big headlines in 2024

Nature’s top stories • Conservation wins brought new hope, and cute creatures made the world smile.

Stunning breakthroughs • Bold discoveries revealed the past and will shape the future and save lives.

Photos of the year

Amazing athletes • Incredible victories and historic performances gave crowds many reasons to cheer.

Pop culture excitement • Memorable characters, books brought to life, a soaring film, and new music delighted fans.

An adventure that thrilled gamers


Terrific reads this year • There were so many great books released for kids in 2024! Out of all the titles The Week Junior reviewed, these eight selections stood out for their spectacular characters, exciting plots, and captivating writing. They’re page-turners you won’t want to put down!

Make kids’ favorite recipes • Check out the drink, lunch, snack, and dessert our readers loved best in 2024.

Create fantastic crafts • These are the projects kids said they most enjoyed making this year.

My 2024 memories

Test your puzzle power!

Wild and wacky tales • These eight stories from 2024 left us laughing in amazement. Is the last one real or fake?

Editor’s note

Your year in photos

How much of this year’s news can you remember?

The Week Junior


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