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Woman's World

Feb 17 2025

A great week made easy! Woman's World is written for the traditional, family-oriented working woman. Each issue delivers a feel-good mix of heart-warming human interest stories, practical everyday solutions for work and home, and mouth-watering recipes.

Fill your week with smiles!

Start your week with a Laugh!

Pop culture calendar

It Happened This Week • Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood premiered on February 19, 1968.

This week’s best new books

Kind florist spreads laughter & love to nursing home residents • When he was a teenager, Evan Sykes would visit his great-grandmother in her nursing home, and his heart broke for residents with no family to visit them. A few years later, he found a way to lift spirits on Valentine’s Day

How to bring joy to others on Valentine’s Day

Everything’s coming up roses: Floral beauty pick-me-ups • Whether you’re celebrating Valentine’s or Galentine’s Day, roses are having a moment. Show yourself some love with beauty products inspired by this classic flower. Find your perfect pick!

Protect against heart disease • Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to give your heart a little TLC. A report in the Journal of the American Heart Association found preventing heart disease can increase your lifespan by up to 17 years. And those years will be more enjoyable: In a Spanish study, people with a healthy heart were less likely to suffer from mobility problems, memory deficits and vision impairments during their golden years. To outsmart heart disease the easy way, just…

Outsmart bothersome nighttime leg cramps • “Leg cramps usually happen in the calf or foot and feel like a painful knot or squeezing that lasts a few seconds to a few minutes,” says Raj Dasgupta, M.D. During a cramp, you’re unable to relax your muscles, adds Brynna Connor, M.D. Here’s how to block them and sleep soundly

Simple ways to prevent UTIs • Frequency, urgency and burning pain are classic signs of a urinary tract infection (UTI). And a report in American Family Physician reveals UTIs are the most common female bacterial infections. Once you’ve had one, you want to know how to prevent a UTI from recurring. These tricks reduce the risk of a flare-up

Healthy with pantry staples • Who says improved wellness has to come with a hefty price tag? Some of the most potent natural healers are already in your pantry. These everyday ingredients pack study-backed perks for your body and mind.

Secrets of the ‘super-agers’ • The world’s longest-lived people are found in five key regions called Blue Zones. And you’re 10 times more likely to stay healthy, happy and independent long past your 100th birthday if you adopt their smart habits.

A medical miracle sparked a chain of healing • Amber Herring could never repay the generous organ donor who saved her little girl’s life. Inspired, Amber decided to pass along the blessing by becoming a donor herself!

3 Secrets Doctors Wish You Knew About Managing Bladder Leaks

Burn belly fat 50% faster • When a doctor referred Christa Scott Fioresi, 54, to a wellness center for help with menopausal symptoms, the Atlanta empty nester was hoping to cool hot flashes and quiet anxiety. And she did just that. At the same time, she learned simple strategies that fight over-50 muscle loss and target a stubborn ‘meno-belly.’ Christa’s whole body firmed up as her waist shrunk 8 inches. “Was I surprised by the weight loss? Yes! But more than that, I’m surprised by how strong I feel. I have never felt this strong.” Read on for all the age-defying details…

Tasty protein shakes, drinks and treats to try

“Help! Is it too late to find love?” • No way! Here, women 50+ who’ve won the online dating game share the empowering and practical steps that’ll help you find Mr. Right...


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