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MiniMag - Easy Science Special Edition

Special Edition 2
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In this special edition of MiniMag, we take a closer look at the latest advancements in bio-innovation, nano technology, and hydrogen fuel. From understanding the building blocks of life, to harnessing the power of tiny particles, we explore the ways in which science is shaping our future. Discover the latest research in bio-innovation, including new ways to fight diseases and create sustainable food sources. Learn about the potential of nano technology in fields like electronics and medicine. And discover how hydrogen fuel is emerging as a clean and renewable energy source. As a children's education magazine, MiniMag, one of the longest running childrens education magazines, provides age-appropriate and engaging content that makes learning about science fun and easy.

MiniMag - Easy Science Special Edition

Hi MiniMaggers!

Examining Earth

Being brainy

Keeping score • Scientists use what is called a seismograph to measure the waves of earthquakes, as it records the movement of the ground during an earthquake.

Earthquake Safety • Knowing what to do during an earthquake can save your life and the lives of others!

Artificial Intelligence

How we think!

How animals communicate using secret scents • Animals and insects have what are called pheromones. The word pheromone comes from the Greek word pherein, which means to carry, and the word hormone. Pheromones are produced by hormones in the body; they are basically little particles of smelly stuff which are produced by animals to communicate over long distances.

Testing your taste buds! • Have you ever noticed how some foods taste and smell really good, while others don’t? Our sense of taste and sense of smell help us experience and enjoy different flavours and aromas in the world around us.

The five senses and pheromones • The five senses are the means by which we perceive and interact with the world around us. They include hearing, sight, taste, smell and touch, and together they form the foundation of our experiences and understanding of the world.

Crazy creatures: weird but true! • Meet three crazy creatures that you won’t believe are real:

Crazy fungi: weird but true! • Meet  three frightening fungi that you won’t believe are real:

Crazy bacteria: weird but true! • Meet three kinds of brilliant bacteria, found right here on Earth, that you won’t believe are real:

Powering the future with nature’s energy

Paving the way for a greener tomorrow! • Biofuel offers a promising solution to reduce our carbon footprint and move towards a greener future. By harnessing the power of nature and utilising renewable resources, we can create sustainable energy while protecting the environment.

Investigating biofuel from vegetable oil • In this experiment the objective is to understand the concept of biofuel and demonstrate how vegetable oil can be used as an alternative energy source.

Exploring materials through time: • Have you ever wondered about all the amazing things around you and how they are made? Well, let’s take a journey through time and discover some incredible materials that humans have used throughout history. We’ll also learn about their importance and how they impact the environment.

The wonderful world of PAPER • Paper is a fascinating material that we use every day for reading, writing and drawing. It’s important to understand the process of recycling paper, the benefits it brings to the environment, and the various uses of recycled paper in different industries. Let us explore the journey of paper recycling, the composition of paper and the wide range of applications for recycled paper.

The many uses of recycled paper • Recycled paper has a wide range of applications across different...


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