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Peppa Pig - Adventures In Nature (Issue 20)

Peppa Pig - Adventures In Nature (Issue 20)

Join Peppa as she goes canoeing, builds a shelter in the woods and learns all about owls! Featuring tons of imaginative activities, this interactive magazine is a must-have for any child who loves Peppa Pig.


Sleep under the stars!

Meet the Pig Family • Get to know Peppa, her parents, her brother and her grandparents!

Meet Peppa’s Pals • Get to know Peppa’s friends who also love the outdoors!

THE OWL • Peppa, George and Grandpa Pig try to spot an owl at night!

Master Your Letters: o • Practice writing the letter o!

Hide and Seek • Help Grandpa Pig, Mr. Stallion and Mrs. Corgi spot five owls in their hiding places!

Odd Owl Out • Can you spot the owl that doesn’t look like the others?

Number Fun • Count how many of each listed object you see in this nighttime scene.

WOODLAND CLUB • Peppa learns how to build a shelter in the wild!

Woodland Words • Can you find the words relating to Peppa’s day at woodland club?

Spot the Difference • Can you find the five differences between these pictures of Peppa and her friends at woodland club?

My Own Woodland Home • Draw a shelter you might make in the woods! Then, write how it protects against bad weather and list the materials used to build it!

CANOE TRIP • Peppa explores a river with her family!

Master Your Letters: e • Practice Practice writing the letter e!

Find the Flow • Help Peppa and her family paddle the right way down the river!

Canoe Quiz • Can you answer these questions about the Pig family’s canoe trip?

Water These Words? • Can you unscramble these words relating to Peppa’s canoe trip?

My Family Adventure • Draw you and your family on a fun outdoor trip! Then, write about the things you’d see and do.

Answer Key

Adventure Club

Peppa Pig - Adventures In Nature

Nature is colorful!

Explore together!

The great outdoors!


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