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- Die beliebtesten Hörbücher der Nordleihe
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It's 1989, and Allie Burns is back.
Older and maybe wiser, she's running the northern news operation of the Sunday Globe, chafing at losing her role in investigative journalism and at the descent into the gutter of the UK tabloid media.
But there's plenty to keep her occupied. The year begins with the memorial service to the victims of the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, but Allie has barely filed her copy when she stumbles over a story about HIV/AIDS that will shock her into a major change of direction.
The world of newspapers is undergoing a revolution, there's skulduggery in the medical research labs and there are seismic rumblings behind the Iron Curtain. When kidnap and murder are added to this potent mix, Allie is forced to question all her old certainties.
Praise for 1979
'McDermid is at her considerable best' GUARDIAN
'A brilliant novel by a supremo of the genre' PETER JAMES
'Outstanding' SPECTATOR
'Another masterpiece' DAVID BALDACCI
'Sensational. One of Britain's most accomplished writers' SUNDAY EXPRESS
1. November 2022 -
OverDrive Listen-Hörbuch
- ISBN: 9781004090204
- Dateigröße: 342840 KB
- Dauer: 11:54:14
- Englisch
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