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The Week Junior


"When you are young, you’re naturally curious about the world and everything in it. But the world seems made for grown-ups; complex and unknowable. That’s why we’ve created The Week Junior. It explains the news and events in ways that children understand; immediate, colourful, exciting. From news to nature, science to geography, and sport to books, The Week Junior explores an extraordinary array of topics from around the globe. Written to engage a young person’s point of view, without spoon-feeding or patronising, it explains events in a safe, accessible and inspiring way."

A note from the editorial team


The Week Junior














Heroes of 2024 • These six individuals inspired everyone to make a difference, help others and believe in themselves.

Interview a grandparent • Holidays are a good time to talk to relatives and find out more about them.

Nature’s top moments • From fancy footwork to climate-boosting moves, plus some powerful plants.

Photos of the year

Smart new discoveries • Studies that rewrite history for humans and dinosaurs, improve chocolate and uncover deep space.

Sporting stars of 2024 • Revisit memorable moments from a thrilling year of sport.

Is New Year best for a fresh start? • Some people think January is a bad time for being good.

Hold your own lively debate • Get your brain geared up over the holidays by having a debate with a group of friends or family.

Big screen bonanza • Look back at some of 2024’s most popular films.

Get creative with paper • Brighten up the winter days with colourful patterns and designs made from recycled paper.

Top games of the year • Take a look at some of the best games for consoles released over the last 12 months.

Award-winning books • Celebrating another year of brilliant children’s books.

Enjoy the outdoors in winter • Embrace the cold and seek out nature’s wonders.

The most incredible stories of 2024 • Here is our pick of this year’s strangest tales.

The Week Junior Show • Discover more about our weekly podcast and then fill in our survey.

What YOU got up to • Our readers have shared lots of pictures of their lives. Here is just a small selection of your brilliant photographs featuring pets, hobbies, outings and fundraising ideas.

What The Week Junior has been up to • Here are some of our highlights from 2024.

HOW TO GET INVOLVED • Email your contributions to: hello@theweekjunior.co.uk

How much of this year′s ne ws can you remember?

Puzzle and quiz answers


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