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Mental Health in Children and Teens

Mental Health in Children and Teens
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Mental Health in Children and Teens gives an overview of the challenges facing so many of our young people today. ADHD, depression, and anxiety are just a few of the modern-day plagues children and their parents are managing. With little community support, treatment options and a shortage of licensed professionals, many feel lost without options or hope. Education, identification and early intervention are the pillars of treatment —inside you’ll find resources and information to help you understand the struggle families and our communities face in the fight for our kids’ health.


INTRODUCTION • Mental health is not just the absence of mental disorders. It describes a spectrum of well-being, including emotional resilience, effective communication, healthy relationships and the ability to manage stress. For young people, who are learning how to navigate these skills, the pressure can be overwhelming.

ADOLESCENCE • According to the World Health Organization (WHO), adolescence is the period of life between childhood and adulthood, ranging from ages 10 to 19. This critical time lays the foundation for healthy physical, cognitive and psychosocial growth. Characteristics of adolescence include the following:

Mental Health DISSECTED • Diagnosing mental health disorders in children and teens requires careful attention and can be critical for early intervention and support. Most importantly, understanding common disorders and diagnostic criteria is key.


WHAT IS MESH? • MESH is the acronym used to describe Mental, Emotional and Social Health.

DEPRESSION • Depression in children and teens is a serious mental health concern that can significantly impact well-being and development. Recognizing the signs and understanding the causes can provide critical support to a suffering young person.



ANXIETY • Anxiety is a natural and adaptive response to stress or perceived threats, and it is critical to human survival. However, when anxiety becomes persistent or overwhelming, interfering with a child’s or teen’s daily life, it can evolve into a mental health disorder.

BOOK CLUB • The Anxiety Survival Guide for Teens: CBT Skills to Overcome Fear, Worry & Panic by Jennifer Shannon

Rachel Ling Gordon

OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDER (OCD) • Obsessive-compulsive disorder involves intrusive, unwanted thoughts and obsessions resulting in repetitive behaviors performed to alleviate anxiety. It appears as two main components: obsessions and compulsions. It typically manifests in childhood, adolescence or early adulthood.

Elizabeth McIngvale

EATING DISORDERS • Eating disorders can affect individuals of any age, but often begin during adolescence. Attitudes toward food and body image often shape eating behaviors, leading to adverse physical health, strained relationships and emotional struggles. In severe cases, these behaviors can be fatal. In fact, eating disorders have one of the highest death rates compared to other mental disorders.

Michelle Fulkerson

POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER • Children and teens who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event may suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This can manifest differently in children than in adults.


BOOK CLUB • Mind Your Head by Juno Dawson

SUBSTANCE ABUSE • Abuse of substances such as alcohol and drugs can begin during adolescence. Factors like peer influence, curiosity or social acceptance can be one reason why young people turn to harmful substances. While substance abuse is not a mental health disorder, it can be a symptom or coping mechanism for other mental health disorders.



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