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Devotions for women that provide a refuge from the loud, restless world, where God's truth can be clearly heard.

Whether it's the TV or radio continually playing in the background or the persistent pinging on our phones, the constant noise and frenetic pace of modern life can be overwhelming. The cacophony of cultural messages that permeate the air produces an inner restlessness that says, "You should be doing more, saying more, posting more, and sharing more."

More than ever, we need sanctuary, not only as a refuge from the noise around us but also as a place where God's truth can be clearly heard.

This 31-day devotional explores what it means, and what it looks like in very practical ways, to lead the "quiet life" Paul speaks of in 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12. Readers will come to see that a quiet life doesn't mean escaping from the world around them but centering their hearts on Christ so that they can live with a clear focus, a quiet confidence, and a steady peace.


  • OverDrive Listen-Hörbuch


  • Englisch